Brand Recall: Definition, Importance And Benefits

For business owners these days, there is no way of escaping competition. No matter what product or service you are selling, every market is saturated with competition. That is why it is so important to become a memorable brand name.

Brand recall is championed within the world of marketing as an incredibly valuable attribute to have as a business. It goes hand-in-hand with both brand awareness and brand identity, two very important qualities to have when running your own company.

By maintaining strong brand recall, you can become the first brand that comes to mind when your target customers are in search of a particular niche. This will ensure that your establishment remains above water and becomes a household name. Sounds pretty good, right?

We are passionate about empowering independent business owners, here at PicStudio. We have written this detailed article to share all the key information about brand recall, so that you can effectively optimise your company.

The Definition Of Brand Recall

Brand recall is a subcategory of brand awareness, which refers to the likelihood of consumers remembering your brand.

When you achieve brand recall, your target audience will instantly associate your brand's products or services with the niche that they are seeking, making your brand unforgettable. For example, when people are in search of sportswear, they tend to navigate toward Nike or Adidas.

The Difference Between Brand Recall And Brand Recognition

Because brand recall and brand recognition are closely intertwined, it is common for people to get confused when differentiating between the two. To clear up any confusion, we have pinpointed the fundamental differences between these two components:

  • Brand recognition refers to how familiar a person is with your brand. This mainly depends on both visual and audio cues, such as a logo - this is defined as 'object recognition'.

  • Brand recall is entirely dependent on a person calling upon a brand from memory. Of course, a person may be given certain prompts, however, these tend to be verbal rather than visual or audio-based.

Types Of Brand Recall

Brand recall can occur in two ways - it can either be directly encouraged or happen on its own. To help you better understand the difference, we have broken down the two types of brand recall:

Aided Brand Recall

Think of aided brand recall as a helping hand that prompts people into recognising your business. This requires an external inducement (such as a hint). Asking questions like "do you remember [brand name]" is an example of what aided brand recall might look like.

Unaided Brand Recall

Unaided brand recall is when consumers mention a particular brand naturally, without any prompting or hints. This means that a brand is instilled into a consumer's mind so much that they can instantly recall it when asked about a particular niche.

For example, asking a person "what body lotion do you buy?" and they immediately respond with a skincare brand, such as Nivea or Dermologica. If you are able to achieve unaided brand recall, you are most likely using the right marketing tactics.

Why Is Brand Recall Important?

Brand recall is intrinsic to brand awareness, as it ensures that your brand's name is on top of your target audience's minds, giving you a significant competitive advantage which will help your business to prosper.

Many consider brand recall the best type of free advertising because it involves word-of-mouth marketing, which encourages your brand to be associated with a specific product or service.

The Key Benefits Of Brand Recall

If you are still wondering what all the fuss is about, check out these key benefits of brand recall:

Provides Helpful Insight Into Your Brand's Equity

Market researchers can measure brand recall by conducting a brand recall survey in order to determine your establishment's equity. For instance, it is common practice for marketers to ask respondents to list all the brand names they can think of within a specific market.

This can present a clear indication of your business's value, as you will identify how frequently your brand is considered by your target audience.

Determines Your Brand Awareness Efforts

Brand recall is a useful metric for identifying how successful your brand awareness efforts are. If you have successfully employed marketing strategies, such as audience engagement and advertising campaigns, for your brand to enhance brand awareness, your brand recall should be frequent.

Offers A Brand Competitive Edge

By having well-fortified brand recall, customers will think of your brand instead of your competition's, when shopping for a product or service. By having this level of familiarity with your target audience, you instantly become a go-to brand.

Brand recall facilitates emotional loyalty among existing customers because it means that buyers trust your products and services, which will increase your revenue and positively reinforce your brand's image and purpose.

4 Strategies That Will Promote Brand Recall

Now that you understand what brand recall is and why it is important, it is time you get onboard with how you can achieve this powerful attribute. If you are looking to improve your branding efforts, and enhance your competitive edge, then you should familiarise with these 4 brand recall strategies:

1. Fulfil Your Customers Needs

The key to being associated with a particular niche is making sure that your product or service meets the requirements that your customers are seeking. Upholding high-quality throughout your product range, which is catered to providing customers with a solution to their needs, will sufficiently encourage brand recall.

2. Establish A Distinctive Brand Name

Aside from meeting the needs of your customers, you should also establish a catchy name and slogan. This will make your brand easier to remember, promoting effortless brand recall.

3. Focus On Your Brand Personality

Your brand personality refers to the image or persona that your business gives off to audiences. Ensuring your brand has a unique character that shines through to customers will positively enhance brand recall.

4. Promote Your Brand's Visibility

Most brands will enhance their visibility through bold marketing materials, such as advertising and packaging, that are specifically designed to attract consumers. This will help you stand out from competitors and appeal to purchasers looking for your product or service.

A relatively straightforward method of promoting visibility is through frequent audience engagement (such as Instagram polls, mailing lists, and re-tweeting customers). This will help you to regularly appear in your customers' lives and form a positive connection, making your brand hard to forget.

Discover Our Boutique Marketing Agency

After reading this article, we sincerely hope that you now feel more confident about brand recall than you did before. If you are looking to further promote your business and need some help, discover our services at PicStudio.

We offer a variety of marketing assistance tailored to beauty, fashion and lifestyle brands. We have worked with many reputable brands, such as Kiehl's, so you can be sure that your brand, no matter its size, will be in expert hands! If you have any enquiries, we warmly invite you to contact us today. 


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